Fresh Projects


0484 6195070


Blessing in Disguise


Unusual demands some times gives a different perspective,  resulting in creative outputs.While doing  2D layouts of residence we do take care of Vastu rules in a basic manner.But when the home owner is a very strong believer ,the plan is drawn and then taken to a Vastu consultant of their choice.


Kerela Modern Home

Modern Elevation


Here the residence needed to be rotated to 45 degree .Since the client liked the initial plan very much they did not want the 2D plan to be changed.The plan just needed to be rotated 45 degree to face the east.


2D plan GF

Ground Floor Plan


In terms of architectural design,a divergence from traditional 90 degree wall and ceiling angles can have a dramatic impact on the look and function of a structure-both inside and outside.Introducing acute angles on wall corners,for example,can help diffuse the appearance of a solid mass.From the interior perspective,the same sharp angle,combined with a rising ceiling plane,directs the eye outwards and upwards to a specific feature,such as the view from a window.


FF plan

First Floor Plan


The 2D layout is always drawn with some idea about the elevation.But when this particular requirement is fulfilled ,the whole concept would be changed.Some part of the plan was modified to accommodate the divergence. Additional features were added as windows to balance the rotation.The vastu requirements was truly a boon in disguise.The alterations gave a new twist to the elevation.


Dinning Space

Dinning Area


The elevation has to done in such a way that it shouldn’t look as if it is turned .The new look  not only covered the angular problem,but in doing so created a stunning elevation which made the house look  grander a than a 2130 sqft house.


Modern Bedroom design

Master Bedroom


From an interior perspective,accentuating the structure’s  natural light and views are important.Each plan angle of the structure responds to a function of the interior-this includes creating view corridors,enhancing light quality and allowing for flexibility of use.


Bedroom in FF

Guest Bedroom

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